French flag

French flag

French Information Gateways & Link Lists

France Le web administratif et citoyen and worldwide official information
Service Public Le Portail de l'administration francaise : links to French official agencies [off-line ? or connection difficulties July 2007]
France diplomatie (Ministère des Affaires étrangères) see 'La France' in the site's left-hand frame
New! CIDJ Centre d'Information et de la Documentation de la Jeunesse

Other Francophone Gateways

ClicNet site culturel et littéraire français (Swarthmore)
French Culture official website of the French Embassy (USA)
French Embassy in Washington
French Embassy London resources and New! Institut français du Royaume Uni, London
French Institute in Scotland gateway to France (aimed at American tourists)
Le Quartier français du village planétaire (Janice Paulsen - Richmond Virginia) back on line and
La Culture francophone Toronto list of Francophone web sites 'C'est chouette'
WESS Web French Studies Information Gateway of (American) Association of College & Research Libraries; access to selected scholarly resources in French studies. The geographical coverage includes France, and the francophone regions in Belgium and Switzerland ...
Tennessee Bob's Famous French Links 2nd edition ("10,000 link Globe-Gate supersite")
Hapax: French Resources appears off-line 2014
University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Centre French Language Resources from Chanson de Roland to J'Accuse "Many of the resources once available on Etext may be available via VIRGO, primary access point for all U.Va. Library digital texts and images.
Google Books the Google electronic copying project
Project Gutenberg "Our books are free in the United States because their copyright has expired. They may not be free in other countries."

More general gateways

ASLIB Index to theses
INTUTE: French formerly part of SOSIG and ALTIS, still part of Academic Information Gateway but no longer updated since July 2011INTUTE . French section says: "Search or browse the database of French Studies resources which have been selected, evaluated and described by subject specialists. Our target audience is lecturers, researchers and students within UK higher and further education."
iLoveLanguages ex-WWW Virtual Library: Human Languages page; includes French language sites
Wikipedia en français
New! how to create an article

Miscellaneous French Link lists

Mel Belin's All Things French.html gateway to a variety of aspects of French life and culture
French links by Alliance Française San Francisco
FYI France Jack Kessler, incl. Resource lists & Digital Libraries in France.
Bric-à-brac de liens Quelques liens proposés par Sylvain
Tennessee Bob's Famous French Links If all else fails, Bob probably has it listed.

French flag

Search Engines and Portals

French Search Engines/Portals:
Lycos France,, Orange ex-Wanadoo, Yahoo! France, all sorts on web site design and searching
and with clickable button to limit search to pages from France only;
plus French version of Google news Google Actualités. Big American search engine;
British version: with clickable button to limit search to pages from UK only.
Google & Google to search scholarly writing, peer-reviewed articles etc
Search EDU American site allowing searches of types of site, such as 'Education', 'Governement sites', Library of Congress, Converters, etc

Metasearch engines: sends query to several search engines at once ixquick.

French flag

Language Teaching and Learning

Quick link to sections: | France | UK HE | French Language learning related |

National and International Agencies - general

CILT The national Centre for Languages, & their resources catalogue
Languages work information portal supporting a wide range of products designed to show the value of languages in the workplace and beyond
Network for languages: Regional Centres supported by CILT and works to promote greater national capability in language and cultural skills in business and employment.
Routes into Languages Aim: increasing the take-up of languages from schools to university - regional consortia established where groups of universities will work together, with schools and colleges, to enthuse and encourage people to study languages. National networks promote translation and interpreting as careers.
Studying Languages at University, site run in conjunction with the Why study languages initiative. "Languages specific help ... written by current undergraduates to provide straightforward and relevant information about studying languages, linguistics and cultural studies at uni." Both under the Routes into Languages initiative.
AIESEC challenging work abroad programme offering opportunities for graduates to encounter new people and cultures whilst working abroad.
British Council International Youth Exchange
Council of Europe
EURES European job mobility portal, connecting Jobcentres across Europe.
The Franco-British Council Set up in 1972 to promote better understanding between Britain and France and to contribute to the development of joint action through meetings of leading representatives of the worlds of culture, science, education, politics and business in the context of a developing Europe and of an increasingly globalised community
Language Café the concept, the movement (EU Socrates Programme)


L'Agence de promotion du FLE Lists of French University courses for French for Foreigners. L'Agence de promotion du FLE développe ici des ressources et des services en ligne à destination des professionnels du FLE : Grand Répertoire des centres de FLE - Cartable connecté - Veille informative sur l'actualité du FLE - Offres d'emplois et de stages - Français en ligne...
New! Fondation Alliance française Headquarters of the largest private language teaching association in the world
New! Fil d'Alliances journal international de la Fondation Alliance française. Il paraît tous les deux mois et est le lien de communication entre toutes les Alliances du monde et vous y trouverez toute l'actualité du réseau.
Alliance française Paris Ile de France the Ecole de Paris
New! Entretien avec Jean-Claude Jacq, secrétaire général de l’Alliance française le fonctionnement de l'AF, son rôle dans les institutions culturelles françaises à l'étranger
Encyclopédie sonore of the Sorbonne
CANOPE - formerly SCEREN CNDP Centre national de documentation pédagogique : Le CNDP, à la tête du réseau de création d'accompagnement péedagogiques, site de ressources pédagogiques et documentaires à destination de la communauté éducative, en faveur de la réussite des élèves.
Le Français dans le Monde Revue de la fédération internationale des professeurs de français: periodical for FLE teaching;
Francparler la communauté mondiale des professeurs de français [temporarily? off-line May 2014
TV5 language pages For teachers: apprendre et enseigner avec TV5 -see "langue française" and "enseignants"
ILF Institut de Linguistique française (CNRS research centre).
Orthonet Spelling and grammar help for the French (Conseil international de la langue française)
Dimension-BTS propose un guide complet sur les 145 BTS proposés en France, des rubriques d'orientation, d'emploi, ainsi qu'un forum
Dimension-GrandesEcoles propose un guide des grandes écoles (écoles de commerce, écoles d'ingénieurs, écoles spécialisées, troisièmes cycles), des rubriques d'orientation, d'emploi, ainsi qu'un forum


HEFCE 2009 Review of Modern Foreign Languages provision in higher education in England (Professor Michael Worton) commissioned by HEFCE in response to concerns about falling numbers and funding provision; surveys current trends and makes recommendations to ensure the long-term sustainability and vitality of MFL provision in HE.
Research Excellence Framework (REF) the new system for assessing quality of research in UK higher education institutions, succeeding RAE: REF outcomes will be published on 18 December 2014
RAE - 2008 Research assessment exercise and results
QAA Reports Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education: French & Modern Langs.quality assurance reports
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) and
Qualification frameworks for the Quality Assurance system.
The Higher Education Academy assimilated the Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
Learning & Teaching Support Network: Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies
The Chartered Institute of Linguists "serves the interests of professional linguists throughout the world and acts as a respected language assessment and accredited awarding body"

University Council of Modern Languages established in 1993 when representatives of universities, scholarly and professional associations and other organisations concerned with the study and teaching of modern languages agreed that there was a need for a broad national body which could speak with a single voice and effectively represent the interests of modern languages in higher education
Standing Conference of Heads of Modern Languages in Universities now amalgamating with UCML - see above.
Association for Language Learning ALL
Association for Language Awareness ALA
Association of University Language Centres in the UK and Ireland
Newcastle University Languages Resource Centre
LARA National Learning and Residence Abroad Project
Real French Manchester Metropolitan University site: excellently designed and presented for students of France and French
UK Future TV an Internet TV Channel about careers, study, research and enterprise: offering programmes about careers, research and most of the subjects that can be studied at university, incl. FRENCH STUDIES (presented by Prof. Tim Unwin).
WELL home page resources from Barthes to Barthez [French resources lost from this site pre-2014] -

Language learning related sites

Linking page to grammar pages
Alliance française Newcastle
Alliance française Londres
Alliance française de York
Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland
Association franco-écossaise
French Institute Alliance française New York and L'Alliance française de New York, un "écrin" pour la culture française aux Etats-Unis Interview avec sa directrice Marie-Monique Steckel Charles's free on-line educational resource to help "learn, practice, and enjoy the French language". Contains extensive library of French words and phrases (with American English equivalents) and links to on-line audio files.
Better understand France and the French site for American tourists
Bienvenue dans la cuisine française! The French Digital Kitchen at Newcastle University is a situated language learning environment where the kitchen communicates with users, instructing them step-by-step in how to cook French cuisine and teaching aspects of French language.
New! Cadet Rousselle French speaking baby/toddler playgroup in London for French speaking parents and bilingual families
CALL@Hull Fred Riley's site (former C & IT lists).
Camsoft's CALL Camweb
Canal Académie: L'Espace Apprendre (avec le CAVILAM de Vichy), "propose de développer vos connaissances de la langue et de la culture françaises. Chaque fiche propose des extraits d'émissions de Canal Académie, accompagnés d'un parcours pédagogique. "
Concorde French Language Publications includes book reviews on line (readers) and free monthly e-magazine featuring French learning resources : Le Petit Journal (requires sign-on)
CultureCo méthodes et des ressources pour réussir les principales épreuves du BTS Action Commerciale, Techniques et culture commerciale.
Daily French Pod learning exercies, especially listening
Digital Dialects French beginners French - interactive games for learning and testing
Executive Planet's guide to French business culture and crosscultural management by Maurice Contal Learn French with free online lessons and comics. : Learn French online "with 24 free French lessons with audio, plus other resources incl. mini-dictionaries, flashcards and 'song of the week'".

La Fédération des Associations Françaises en Grande Bretagne Ltd founded 1942; has 70 member groups. "La FAFGB est une association à but non lucratif. Lorsque les activités de l'année, financées principalement par le Bal du 14 juillet et les dons de Nos Partenaires, permettent de dégager des résultats financiers positifs, des donations sont faites lors de l'Assemblée Générale afin de soutenir l'action sociale de certaines associations membres."
Franco-British Society The society is an independent charitable organisation, with The Queen as its patron. Founded 1924, it is dedicated to encouraging closer relations between Britain and France, acting as a focus for those individuals, groups and companies who wish to keep in touch with France, her culture, history and current affairs.
French Chat intended to promote exchanges between francophones and non-francophones, and help perfect their language skills.
French Mark Gibbons's French learning site (beginners' vocabulary and grammar method, with sound) Kristin Espinasse's Web Log, offering vignettes of French life and linguistic info around a French word a day, a French quote-a-day, plus some great photos of Aix and Provence - an original site
French Grammar Central and other language topics from Tennessee Bob (Univ. Tennessee-Martin Modern Languages)
FLE Le Point du FLE gives access to selected web-based activities in French as a foreign language, for classroom or self-study - Learning French genders, conjugations & other intermediate grammar exercises (T Blackmon)
French Language Guide French language schools, dictionary, words and other resources about French
New! natural French conversations updated weekly with full transcripts by Marie and Paul

Gail's French Links lots of links to French learning exercises et al.
Globe-Gate A Culture and Language SuperSite made in Tennessee (Tennessee Bob Peckham) [off line 2014] with games, activities, songs, and vocabulary for learning French, all free
Immersion France improving your French skills by short immersion courses in France
Instant French A blog about learning French by someone trying to learn French - claims to guide you through the maze of French language products.
Kissing in France Gory Bateson Sings his song "Telle est la Question" How to "faire la bise" or French kissing free articles & exercises and MP3 listening exercises intermediate/advanced level (Christophe Bergue)
Language Café the concept, the movement (EU Socrates Programme); Language Café Durham; Language Café Newcastle - American site offering resources to learn French (beginners and false beginners) and other languages.
New! Language Software Reviews compares five language learning software packages under detailed headings
Learn French in France Guide French language schools, dictionary, words and other resources about French
Learn French Learn French language through schools, products and other online resources [offline? June 2008]
Université de Laval (Canada) "Pour apprendre les langues"
Learn French Online free course - grammatical approach, with vocabulary lists, verbs, basic dictionary
Lexilogos site fascinated with words and dictionaries - links to many languages
Lexis Rex vocabulary learning site, foreign language software and resources
Little Linguist online shop selling children's foreign language products, founded by a French teacher, who had found it difficult to get hold of interesting and authentic learning materials. free online beginners or false beginners language course (American). Students listen to and repeat audio spoken in French, and also read the corresponding sentences in English and French.
Pascal's Frenglish News; and his and its magazine "a lot of activities to learn French for Free, for children and beginners and advanced learners."
New! QCFrench Free french lessons and printable worksheets as well as audio practice. Also a special section dedicated to Québécois French. Give the Québécois monologues a listen: Véronique, providing all of the very clear audio, is from the Lac Saint-Jean region of Québec.

Sauve-qui-peut Useful (and fun) site aimed at advanced learners of French: read topical texts, practice writing and blogging skills
Sing and learn/Chansons sympas pour apprendre des langues (abc melody - Bruno Husar) excellent language learning songs in 6 languages
Skoldo Lucy Montgomery's French learning site for 5-11 year olds
SOUFFLE French language schools "18 language school and university members of SOUFFLE have signed up to a Quality Charter and undergo regular quality assurance inspections". Includes schools under umbrella titles French Interactive ("French language schools in Paris or in Antibes for adults and juniors") and Artistic French ("Learning French language and French Art & Civilization in France") online French teaching with native French teacher through a video conferencing platform (any level). learn and test your French verbs by Alan Paul.
Verbuga practise conjugating French regular and irregular verbs interactively in all common tenses. Easy to use, gives hints or answers and scores the tests. Free site designed by Annette de Bruin & Jan Kuiken. (Also Spanish version)

French flag

Translation, dictionaries and glossaries

Quick link to sections: | French Dictionary sites | Specialist dictionaries and glossaries |

Translation and Interpreting Education and Training

New! CIUTI - Conférence Internationale permanente d'Instituts Universitaires de Traducteurs et Interprètes "oldest and most prestigious international association of university institutes with translation and interpretation courses".


American Translators Association (ATA) "professional association founded to advance the translation and interpreting professions and foster the professional development of individual translators and interpreters"
BtB : Le Bureau de la traduction Canada: page d'accueil : l'une des principales organisations de traduction du monde et le plus important employeur de langagiers professionnels au Canada";
The Chartered Institute of Linguists "serves the interests of professional linguists throughout the world and acts as a respected language assessment and accredited awarding body"
European Master's in Translation (EMT) The EMT is a partnership project between the European Commission and higher-education institutions offering master's level translation programmes
Institute of Translation & Interpreting "founded 1986 as the only independent professional association of practising translators and interpreters in UK"
Go Translators Tools for translators: dictionaries, lexicons, glossaries, newsgroups, mailing lists.
The British Council Centre for Literary Translation explores the role of the translator and the challenges of translation [off-line 2014?]; see also The Times Stephen Spender prize for poetry translation
Naked Translations in French and English versions - see her list of links to sites relevant to freelance translators
National Register of Public Service Interpreters "provides Public Service organisations with a register of professional, qualified and quality assured interpreters"
Ressources terminologiques pour la traduction (Délégation Générale à la Langue Française et aux langues de France)
SupraLingua for budding translators/interpreters
The Translator's Home Companion focal point of information about Internet and other resources available for translators, interpreters and all linguists, incl. free downloads of trial versions of language/translation software.
Translators Tool Box "A biweekly newsletter for people in the translation industry who want to get more out of their computers"
Translation Journal for Translators by Translators about Translators and Translation
UNESCO's Index Translationum the database of world translated works since 1979 on-line

Some commercial translation agencies:
Tecno Lingua;
New! PS Translation.
Bubbles Translation commercial translation service which includes document translation as well as website localisation.
Capita Translation Interpreting Professional French Translation & Interpreting

Jobs with languages: and specialist employment agency

Some online translation sites

DGLFLF's guide to automatic translation tools / outils de traduction assistée par ordinateur choisis par la DGLFLF
New! Liens pour la traduction en ligne Portail juridique de l'Association Droit en ligne.

New! Lexicool includes easy access to 5 free online translation sites (Google, Bing, Reverso, Systran, SDL)
Google Language Tools;
Google Translate ;
Bing (Microsoft translation tool);
Systran market-leading provider of language translation software with 40+ years expertise in Machine Translation (used by European Commission);
Cucumis "a community of translators who share their linguistic knowledge and help each other online".

Amikai Translation demo ;
CAPITA translation;
Babel Fish Yahoo! ;
Bab.La Dictionary has very useful context sentences containing word or phrase entered and a translation of whole sentence
Linguatec Personal translator ;
Paralink translation;
Promt translator ; (also online dictionaries);
SDL; MyMemory; (single word translation);
World Lingo Translator

Dictionary sites

Annuaire des dictionnaires long list of links to bilingual and unilingual dictionaries
New! OQLF: Banque de dépannage linguistique (BDL) "l'orthographe, la grammaire, la syntaxe, la ponctuation, le vocabulaire, la typographie, les sigles, abréviations et symboles, les noms propres, la prononciation, la rédaction et la communication."
Bribes : Petit dictionnaire des citations
CRISCO dictionary project (University of Caen)
Dictionnaires d'autrefois (ARTFL): Robert Estienne 1552, Jean Nicot 1606, Pierre Bayle 1740, J.-F. Féraud 1788, Académie française 1798/1832-35/1932-35
Dictionnaire électronique des synonymes (CRISCO) Caen University; CRISCO synonym finder
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Encyclopédie des expressions [some programming errors on site]
The Free Dictionary by Farlex, includes thesaurus, specialist dictionaries, acronyms, idioms, encyclopaedia and more
New! Grand corpus des dictionnaires [9e au 20e siècle] contact Classiques Garnier for free trial period
Lexicool directory of 7500 online bilingual and multilingual dictionaries and glossaries freely available on the Internet.
Lexilogos dictionaries Links to major French-French dictionaries plus some specialized ones.
Leximagne Electronic dictionaries and word lists (formerly at Globe-Gate)
Le Littré intégral XMLittré v1.3 [off-line since 2007]
New! online Dictionary of Modern France, part of
Ressources terminologiques pour la traduction: Dictionnaires (Délégation Générale à la Langue Française et aux langues de France)
OQLF: Lexiques et vocabulaires [Links to official glossaries of Office Québecois de la langue française]
BtB : Dictionnaire des cooccurrences synonyms and collocations: useful tool for anyone hesitating over choice of word, or unsure of the most appropriate adjective or verb.
New! OQLF: Grand dictionnaire terminologique "définition et la traduction française de milliers de termes techniques et scientifiques" Québec [major differences between terminology of Canadian French and French of France, in the translation part of this site at least] online dictionaries
Dictionaires Robert : le blog d'Alain Rey
New! Typographie rules of French typography ("quelques règles extraites du Manuel de typographie française élémentaire d'Yves Perrousseaux") Univ. Paris 5 Descartes
Trésor de la langue française informatisé (Atilf/CNRS) and quick search page (the major modern French dictionary project)
Wikipédia en français online dictionaries

Specialist dictionaries and glossaries initiation à la terminologie par Daniel Gouadec
New! BtB : TERMIUM Plus banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques; Guide des bonnes pratiques en traduction: "une analyse complète de la qualité en traduction, sur le plan des principes, puis sous forme d'analyses des chemins critiques respectifs des divers opérateurs susceptibles d'intervenir dans l'exécution de prestations de traduction" [site now in Chinese]
Acronyms finder
ADBS resources Guide to resources in Archives and records management;
- see Vocabulaire de la documentation and Outils de recherche web
Archives de France terminologie archivistique 37 pages of termnological definitions
New! FranceTerme Tous les termes publiés au Journal Officiel par la Commission générale de la termininologie et de néologie; site consacré aux termes recommandéés au Journal officiel de la République française. Il regroupe un ensemble de termes de différents domaines scientifiques et techniques et ne constitue en aucun cas un dictionnaire de langue généérale.
Business French Glossary with English-French translation both ways at
Dictionnaires et glossaires a huge list of on-line translation aids from - just scroll down to find the right one
New! Dictionnaire de musique 1 ; Dictionnaire de musique 2 ; New! Dictionnaire de musique Larousse
Legal Terms Glossary of French Legal Terms at
Lexique du golf
Lexique officiel des sports olympiques anglais-français
BtB : Lexique trilingue Internet français-anglais-espagnol(Quebec governement)
List of computing/IT/Internet dictionaries, notably
List of specialist dictionaries, incl. medical
Termcat football dictionary Football dictionary in English, French, Spanish, Catalan
Quebec official terminological dictionary
PIAF Glossary Portail Archvistique International Francophone - includes learning materials on archives and records management practice
French-English Glossary of Linguistic terms "contains 7,387 French linguistic terms and 7,626 English linguistic terms. Written in both languages, its main purpose is to allow the user to understand key concepts underlying French terminology, as well as gain access to innovative aspects of francophone linguistic thought and methodology."
French Smileys site

French flag

Last updated 11th October 2014 by Geoff Hare. Sites on this page last systematically checked 4th May 2014 by Geoff Hare

There is a contents list on the Home Page.

Web site hosting and design by Cornwell Internet from information provided by Geoff Hare